Now that you have completed this course on Security you are now aware of the possible security threats to computer systems & networks. Not only that, but you are now better able to protect your systems as well as recommend security measures to others.
This course provides fundamental everyday knowledge on security domain which will also help you keep security at the top of your priority.
Other Resources
Some books that would be a great resource
- Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers Free and downloadable book series with very broad and deep coverage of what Web Developers and DevOps Engineers need to know in order to create robust, reliable, maintainable and secure software, networks and other, that are delivered continuously, on time, with no nasty surprises
- Docker Security - Quick Reference: For DevOps Engineers - A book on understanding the Docker security defaults, how to improve them (theory and practical), along with many tools and techniques.
- How to Hack Like a Legend A hacker’s tale breaking into a secretive offshore company, Sparc Flow, 2018
- How to Investigate Like a Rockstar Live a real crisis to master the secrets of forensic analysis, Sparc Flow, 2017
- Real World Cryptography This early-access book teaches you applied cryptographic techniques to understand and apply security at every level of your systems and applications.
- AWS Security This early-access book covers commong AWS security issues and best practices for access policies, data protection, auditing, continuous monitoring, and incident response.
Post Training asks/ Further Reading
- CTF Events like :
- Penetration Testing :
- Threat Intelligence :
- Threat Detection & Hunting :
- Web Security:
- Building Secure and Reliable Systems :